February 4, 2022: in Taganrog Anton Chekhov's birthday has been traditionally commemorated with a wide range of events. One of them was the 2nd International Reading and Literature project "Reading Chekhov Aloud", which finished on February 2. It was conducted by Taganrog Chekhov Public Library and Foreign Relations Office of Taganrog Local Government.
Nicolas Cormont (Strasbourg, France)
The initiative organized by Chekhov's home city brought together more than 70 enthusiasts of Russian literature from Russia and 15 other world countries: Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Cuba, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Netherlands, Peru, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine.
Talia Blain León and Alejandra Pérez LLorens (Habana, Cuba)
Teachers, students, and fans of Anton Chekhov's literary heritage read aloud fragments of their favorite Chekhov's works. Short videos in 10 world languages were made. The largest numbers of submissions came from Cuba, Germany, and Kyrgyzstan.
Aishath Jilwa (Maldives)
Not only individual participants, but also members of prominent NGOs, such as "Forum Russische Kultur Gütersloh" (Gütersloh, Germany), German Chekhov Society (Badenweiler, Germany) and "Italia. Strade Russe" (Rome, Italy) contributed to "Reading Chekhov Aloud". Mr. Vincenz Wissler, mayor of Badenweiler, participated personally, filming in front of Chekhov's portrait, while reading aloud a letter sent by the writer from Badenweiler to Taganrog in 1904. A number of Chekhov's fans from Taganrog's sister city Cherven Bryag, Bulgaria also took part in the project.
Ekaterina Gundareva (Rome, Italy)
It is significant to highlight that, thanks to representatives of Universidad de La Habana and "Martires de Kent" College, for the first time in many years Cubans took part in Taganrog's cultural activities. It also needs to be highlighted that admirers of Chekhov from National Library of Maldives set up a weekly display of Anton Chekhov's books they have available to make their patrons more aware of the Russian author.
Zulma Callañaupa (Manchay, Peru)
Many participants of "Reading Chekhov Aloud" expressed their creativity by using scenery and costumes, or choosing unusual places for filming.
Levon Petrosyan (Artashat, Armenia)
Video clips may be seen on our Facebook account at https://www.facebook.com/TaganrogCityCom/, where we will continue publishing the remaining entries. Next week all participants will start receiving their digital participation certificates.