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Taganrog Hosts All-Russian Hackathon

June 10, 2024: the All-Russian Hackathon "Cyber Garden Drone" took place in Taganrog on June 7-9. The development of software and hardware for unmanned aerial vehicles were brought into focus at the event.

The hackathon took place at the Academy of Engineering and Technology of Southern Federal University. About 150 people from the cities of Krasnodar, Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Taganrog, Volgograd, Znamensk participated in the hackathon as members of 30 teams.

Among the tasks proposed by the organizers were UAV programming, designing software for the operators of UAV and data handling system.

The winners of the All-Russian Hackathon "Cyber Garden Drone" are zxcTMOL613 (team of Taganrog Polytechnical Vocational School No. 4, the category "Software for unmanned aerial vehicles") and K-Lab (team of Kuban State University, the category "Hardware for unmanned aerial vehicles").