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"Art Nouveau Around the World" - Call for Entries

February 27, 2023: on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of World Art Nouveau Day, established in 2013, Taganrog Museum of Architecture and Urbanism and Taganrog Local Government's Foreign Relations Office invite you to take part in the international awareness campaign "Art Nouveau Around the World". Take a camera and #ShowUsYourArtNouveau!

art_nouveau_around_the_world The style of Art Nouveau is also known as the Modern Style in England, Tiffany style in USA, Jugendstil in Germany and Scandinavia, Stile Liberty in Italy, Nieuwe Kunst in the Netherlands, and Modernismo in Spain. The World Art Nouveau Day is celebrated annually on 10 June. This date is the anniversary of the death of Antoni Gaudí and Ödön Lechner, two famous architects of Art Nouveau.

There are a number of notable examples of Art Nouveau in Taganrog. Among them are the Sharonov Mansion, which houses Museum of Architecture and Urbanism, and the building of Chekhov Public Library designed by Fyodor Schechtel, the most influential master of Russian Art Nouveau.

town-planning_museum The purpose of the international "Art Nouveau Around the World" campaign is to raise public awareness of the problems relating to protection and preservation of heritage sites.

How to enter:
1. Make a photograph and #ShowUsYourArtNouveau - any building in the style of Art Nouveau in your hometown or the city you're visiting. You may optionally focus on facades, interior details, etc. Please note that the building or its architectural detail should be identifiable as belonging to Art Nouveau.
2. Write a caption that includes the name of the city and any facts you can locate about the building, use our hashtag #ShowUsYourArtNouveau and POST it on your social media account(s)!

If you have any questions about details of participation, please do not hesitate to contact us via email modern@taganrogcity.com

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